Greenjo stands for Green and Ijo. Ijo is Indonesian slunk for Green. So Greenjo means GreenGreen or IjoIjo. If you guess I like Green colour, yeah you’re right. It begins when I was in the 3rd grade of senior high school. I found out that so many people loves blue and I’m getting sick of that. So then, I choose to like Green beside Blue, Red, Brown and Black.
Greenjo is taken from Alia, my dear best friend and I’m thankful for that. She had a car, Bimantara Cakra. And she gave it a name, Raden Mas Cokro Greenjo Bimantoro. Sounds Javanese! Yep, because she is. But then, I also like that name and kinda stole it from Alia. It happened when I was still doing my college.
From at that time, I choose Greenjo to refer to myself. I use it for my email address and for my identity in some part of situation. And again, for this website, Greenjo suits me best!
These pages contain of some colours of my life, poems I made, journey I chose and path happened. Enjoy!
Legolas Green Leave
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